Raster RGB and Indexed color comparison
This is the better quality image. You go to RGB color mode and THEN change the size of the image. Tis is important to follow because this change allows it to smooth the edges to a degree. It makes it easier to get a better image.
Indexed color
This is crap. It was in index color when I started adjust increasing the image size didn't help. It comes out all pixelated and just doesn't look right. It may be hard to tell it really is a bad image.
Vector Image J-peg
This is the vectorized image I made. I used the RGB image as the base anti went through "high fidelity" image tracing. It is saved using J-peg file format.
Vector Image Giff
This is the gift saved image I made. There're a lot of different gift file formats an each has a slight change to the overall image. Some are small but others are noticeable so you need to check out other to see which would be best.