Thursday, August 27, 2015

Color Mode Exercise


 This is my Bitmap photo. There only 2 colors in this photo. The size of the file is 94.4k. The photo does me no justice because you can't even really see me.


This is my Greyscale photo. There are 256 shades of grey in the photo. The file size is 759.4k. I feel like I'm on a TV from the 1980's.


This is my Indexed color photo. There are 6 different colors in this photo.The file size is the same as the Greyscale at 759.4k. This image is a bit out of focus and makes it look fuzzy.


This is my RGB photo. There is 16.7 million different colors in this photo. The file size is larger than the others at 2.22m. This is the original photo and how most photos appear today.

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