Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Drawings

First Image

My first Crayon drawing uses the 3 colors red, pink, and blue.The red is of the man hole cover I found near the class.The pink is of they picture the guy from the bathroom sign.The blue is from the sign of the mechanical room.I choose it like this because I liked the colors and thought it would nice if it worked out.

Second Image

This is my second crayon drawing that has 4 different colors.The blue is of the side of a tree. The red is of a handicap and regular guy sign. The green comes from the many small words of the plaque outside. The pink is words from the plaque but the are barely visible.It didn't turn out how I hoped so I had to use a new color.

1 comment:

  1. The first one is very nice. There's 3 colors mostly pink in the back manhole it looks like the old psychedelic sun things, which I liked, it looks cool. In the center is a female logo in lighter pink which leads me to think that he has strong feelings to a female? But in bright blue is mechanical room which leads me to robot female. I'm sure that was not the desired affect but that is what I am making out from this.
    The second one is not as defined.The colors are blue, pink and green. The signs in pink are a man, probably taken from a bathroom sign and a handicap sign, which leads me to believe that there is someone in a wheelchair in this person's life. Behind that is a paragraph of letters in green which reminded me of the matrix but the other text is in dark pink and says in loving memory. This leads me to think that he had lost someone who was in a wheelchair, maybe a grandmother? All of the images where Marked heavily so I think he put force behind it and has strong feelings for his work. I don't think the matrix had anything to do with it that is just what came to my find at first glance.
